

Is My Child Growing as Per His Age?
"Doc, why can't my child talk yet?" "Doc, why does my child prefer being alone rather than playing with friends?" These questions often arise when parents are worried that their child looks different from other children their age. Should they be that worried? Come on, read further.
Tips for Overcoming Children Who Don't Like Vegetables and Fruits
Getting children to like vegetables and fruits is challenging for parents, especially mothers. Most children think vegetables and fruits taste bad. Even though this food is important for their health, growth, and development, does your little one have difficulty eating vegetables and fruit? Come on, see tips on how to overcome it!
These 7 Tips Will Make You an Effective Parent
Japan has had a demographic problem for several decades. The elderly population has been rapidly growing, while births have been steadily declining. This has been happening since 1975. One of the causes has been the high cost of raising children. What about Indonesia?
Be the Toughest Support for Your Down Syndrome Child
Stephanie Handojo, a Down syndrome child, set a MURI record in 2009 by playing piano for 22 songs nonstop. She was one of the torchbearers for the London Olympics in 2012. "I'm able to do this because of my parents' support," she stated.
Listen And Pay Attention To Your Children
Not every parent understands the importance of listening to their child. The majority of them, instead of listening, nag. What kind of parent are you to your child? Here's how things work.