Global Health

Global Health

The Mpox Comeback: What You Need to Know
Engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners increases the risk of various infectious diseases, such as monkeypox (Mpox). This disease was first identified in 1958 and has now resurfaced as a significant concern.
How Microplastic Endangers Our Lives
A 2019 study by Environmental Science and Technology stated that every liter of bottled water contains 100 microplastic particles. These are the most common microplastics that people have consumed.
Should We Still Drink Milk?
This year's World Milk Day focuses on how the dairy industry can reduce its environmental footprint while still providing nutrition and a living for many people. Milk production is known to be harmful to the environment. Behind the many advantages, there is concern about the future environmental impact. So, should we still drink milk?
Hepatitis B and C: Are They Still the Scariest?
Hepatitis, or liver inflammation caused by a viral infection or noninfectious factors, causes various health concerns. Although all five types of hepatitis (A-E) affect the liver, they differ in disease severity, geographic distribution, and preventative strategies. Are hepatitis B and C remain the most hazardous among them?
Lupus: Incurable but Manageable
Paula Abdul, Toni Braxton, and Selena Gomez are some of the artists who have been diagnosed with lupus. All three of them educate their fans about lupus through their platforms. But what exactly is lupus? Why is this incurable?
Counteract the Stigma of Tuberculosis
"Tuberculosis is a major issue. However, the stigma (of this disease) persists," said Najwa Shihab, a media representative, in the "Free TB at Workplaces" talkshow. TB can affect anyone, even those who are well-versed in the disease. What TB patients really need during their recovery is support, not avoidance.