Reproduction & Sexual

Reproduction & Sexual

Various Male Contraception
When it comes to contraception, women face multiple risks, including hormone imbalance disorders, the chance of irregular menstruation, drastic physical changes, and bleeding. Meanwhile, the risk is essentially nonexistent for men. But why are so few men willing to use contraception?
When Is The Best Time to Get A Pap Smear?
A pap smear, often known as a pap test, is a procedure in which a healthcare specialist collects cells from your cervix and examines them under a microscope for signs of cancer. Pap smears can also detect infections and inflammation. The term "pap" refers to the American doctor who invented the test, Dr. George Papanicolaou.
Understanding Cervical Cancer and Its Prevention
Ria Irawan, one of Indonesia's leading senior actresses, died of cervical cancer in 2020. The cancer spread from her cervix to the lymph nodes, endometrium, lungs, and head. Ria's body eventually gave up, but she never seemed to complain or give up in her struggle. What exactly is cervical cancer? Let's learn!