Reproduction & Sexual

Reproduction & Sexual

Vaginal Discharge Before The Period: Is It Normal or a Sign of a Problem?
Anna felt anxious because she was having more vaginal discharge than usual before the period. She wondered, is this a sign of danger? Is her body okay? If you have experienced something similar, don't worry! Vaginal discharge before menstruation can be a regular part of the cycle or a sign of a specific condition that needs more attention. Let's learn more so you don't get confused!
When Is The Best Time to Get A Pap Smear?
A pap smear, often known as a pap test, is a procedure in which a healthcare specialist collects cells from your cervix and examines them under a microscope for signs of cancer. Pap smears can also detect infections and inflammation. The term "pap" refers to the American doctor who invented the test, Dr. George Papanicolaou.