Urine contains various substances, such as water, urea, uric acid, creatinine, salt, and other substances the body excreted. Urine has a distinctive odor. However, some babies' urine and sweat can smell like maple. Sweet, like burnt sugar. How come? Let's read more.
Have you ever suddenly felt a leak when coughing or sneezing? Don't worry, you're not alone! This condition is common, but the good news is—there are effective treatment options. Let's find out how to recover control through right diagnosis and treatment!
Almost 45% of adults snore on occasion. Some of them are unaware that they are snoring while sleeping. Snoring is commonly considered a symptom of deep slumber caused by weariness in our culture. But what if your snoring is causing you health problems?
Artist Barbie Hsu died after being infected with the influenza virus in Japan. She is suspected of having a severe flu that developed into a serious complication of pneumonia.
The body often gives signals if there is a hidden health problem. Understanding the signs of a sick body can help you detect medical conditions early before they become serious.
The rainy season brings more than just puddles and traffic jams—it also increases the risk of leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that spreads through contaminated floodwater.
For centuries, leprosy has been considered a "curse." This disease causes permanent disability and is contagious, leading to the isolation and even abandonment of those affected. Is leprosy truly as terrifying as it seems?