Caesar Hito, a soap opera actor, has admitted to suffering from a hoarding disorder, a mental disorder he has had since elementary school (detikhot). What exactly is hoarding disorder?
What personality type are you? Do you frequently divulge personal information when under stress and unable to manage yourself? Or do you share your most private information with people you don't know well, such as strangers, or even those who aren't your closest confidants?
"My wife no longer wants to talk after I changed jobs, and I was laid off not long after," a friend of mine said. "It's been six months," he continued.
Bullying even occurs among professionals, such as doctors. A doctor committed suicide some time ago as a result of threats, intimidation, and blackmail from his seniors. Psychological pressure is strongly suspected to be the trigger.
Gardening entails more than just planting and caring for plants. Gardening has mental health benefits ranging from stress reduction to immune system enhancement.