Vaginal Discharge Before The Period: Is It Normal or a Sign of a Problem?

Anna felt anxious because she was having more vaginal discharge than usual before the period. She wondered, is this a sign of danger? Is her body okay? If you have experienced something similar, don't worry! Vaginal discharge before menstruation can be a regular part of the cycle or a sign of a specific condition that needs more attention. Let's learn more so you don't get confused!
Vaginal discharge is a common issue among women. Normal vaginal discharge, known as leukorrhea, consists of cervical mucus produced in response to the hormone estrogen. This fluid helps keep the uterus clean from bacteria and other organisms.
Vaginal discharge during the menstrual cycle

During the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels fluctuate, causing changes in the amount and consistency of vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge can be thick, paste-like, or clear and stretchy, gel-like.
Cervical mucus contains more than 90% water and other components, such as amino acids, proteins, fatty acids, and oils. Changes in cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle include:
- During menstruation, mucus mixed with blood makes it difficult to see.
- After menstruation (dry days): There is little or no mucus.
- A few days after menstruation: Mucus appears with a sticky or thick yellow, white, or cloudy texture.
- Approaching ovulation: Mucus thickens, slippery, and resembles raw egg white, indicating a fertile period.
- After ovulation, mucus decreases and becomes cloudy, sticky, or dry until the next menstruation.
Causes of vaginal discharge before menstruation

1. Normal menstrual period
Vaginal discharge before menstruation is often a normal part of the cycle. This occurs due to increased progesterone and estrogen hormones. When estrogen level is high, vaginal discharge tends to be clear, stretchy, or thin. Conversely, progesterone causes the fluid to become cloudy or white.
Tips: Vaginal discharge throughout the menstrual cycle is normal and does not require treatment. However, if you want to know when you are fertile, you can use the Billings ovulation method to check the texture of cervical mucus.
2. Signs of pregnancy
In some cases, vaginal discharge before menstruation may suggest pregnancy. Vaginal discharge is thicker than usual.
Tips: Look for other symptoms like dizziness, headaches, late menstruation, and cramps. If you suspect pregnancy, take a pregnancy test and consult your obstetrician.
3. Bacterial vaginosis
This infection is caused by an imbalance in vaginal flora, which is frequently accompanied by fishy-smelling vaginal discharge, itching, and excessive vaginal discharge.
Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria is the primary cause.
Tips: Antibiotics like metronidazole are commonly used to treat bacterial vaginosis. This medication must be used according to a doctor's prescription. To avoid problems such as pelvic inflammatory disease, treatment must be administered under supervision.
4. Yeast infection (candidiasis)
Yeast infection, or candidiasis, caused primarily by Candida albicans, can cause thick vaginal discharge, itching, burning, and redness in the genital area.
Tips: Doctors usually prescribe antifungal medications, such
as fluconazole and miconazole, in the form of pills, ointments, or vaginal
5. Vaginitis
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina caused by bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. The symptoms include foul-smelling vaginal discharge, swelling of the genital area, and tiny white or red patches on the vaginal mucosa.
Tips: Consult a gynecologist for a diagnosis and treatment
with antimicrobial drugs such as creams, ointments, or oral pills.
When should I see a doctor?
Vaginal discharge before menstruation is generally normal. However, see a doctor immediately if you have:
- Strong vaginal discharge odor
- Greenish or grayish vaginal discharge
- Frothy or lumpy texture
- Itching, burning, or pain when urinating
Premenstrual vaginal discharge might be normal or a sign of infection. Understanding changes in vaginal discharge during the menstrual cycle and recognizing suspicious symptoms will help you maintain your reproductive health.
If you notice unusual symptoms, visit the GWS Medika Clinic, a health clinic in Jakarta, to consult a doctor for effective treatment.