Why Do Children Need Parental Support?

by Kristihandaribullet
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Reviewed by dr. Muthia Trisa Nindita
Why Do Children Need Parental Support?
Why Do Children Need Parental Support?

As parents, we want our children to grow into happy and successful individuals. Did you know that parental support is important in achieving this?

Most parents provide the best for their children's physical health. Make sure they eat well. Get a complete immunization. Stay physically active.

However, physical support only is not enough. Parents must also support their mental health. A healthy mentality supports children to become tough so they can confront many challenges in their lives now and in the future.

Mental health support

Children who receive good mental support from their parents find it easier to develop healthy social relationships. They easily think, make friends, and learn new things. Children are also more confident, dare to set goals and make decisions, have skills, and manage emotions.

Mentally healthy children have a high quality of life. He can also play a good role in school, home, and community.

However, having a healthy mentality doesn't just happen. This is where parents or caregivers have a big role in guiding children through life.

Here are some ways to support children's mental health:

1. Show unconditional love

Tell your children regularly that, whatever they are facing, you love them unconditionally. You are there for them.

Children also need to understand that they are not free to make mistakes. It is reasonable. Emphasize that no one is perfect. Everyone has made or made wrong decisions.

The most important thing is to encourage children to learn from their mistakes so they don't repeat them. Even if you are disappointed, ensure they understand your disappointment has nothing to do with your love for him.

2. Give praise

Encouragement, praise, and affirmation from parents help develop children's self-confidence and self-esteem. However, the most important thing is to support their mental health.

Build children's self-confidence through appropriate praise and giving them appropriate responsibilities.

"Praise children for their character traits more frequently than for their physical traits or accomplishment," advises Kerry Heath, a professional counselor at Choose Therapy.

3. Spend time together

Spending time together as a family not only strengthens family bonds but also gives parents and children time to figure out what they stand for and dream of.

This togetherness is important to show your children that they are important to you and that you care about what happens in their lives. Frequently spending time together also makes parents aware of their children's problems.

Use this opportunity to support your child in overcoming fears, anxieties, and other emotional challenges. Also, teach children about empathy and how to manage their own emotions.

4. Build open communication

Talking regularly means helping children overcome problems in difficult situations. Discuss the emotions they are dealing with. Please pay close attention while they speak.

You can set aside time, for example, when picking him up from school, at lunchtime, or dinner.

Build honest and open conversations so that they feel comfortable discussing their feelings and thoughts. Avoid judging and respect everything they say.

5. Build trust

One of the basic needs of children is a sense of security. Children who feel safe will develop appropriately and learn quickly.

Creating a safe home environment and discussing their feelings and struggles are ways to build trust.

6. Teach children to manage stress

It is critical to protect children from bullying and harassment, as well as the resulting trauma. Parents cannot prevent their children from getting stressed when facing these issues.

Tell children that stress is a usual part of life and teach them healthy ways to cope with it. Always accompany your child when they experience stress.

7. Teach children how to manage their time

"Come on, quickly!" "What time is it?" A familiar scream to children's ears. The good news is that parents can teach children how to manage their time.

Helping your children prioritize their day is something they can use throughout their lives. It will help them complete the most important things each day and week.

Remember to start with their daily priorities before moving on to their weekly and monthly priorities.

Physical health support

Physical activity helps a child's body become stronger and healthy. Physical activity can also improve children's focus and concentration at school. Even children who often do physical activity have better quality sleep. Parents need to direct their children to physical activity.

Children who engage in regular physical activity enjoy better relationships and physical health. Regular physical activity helps children develop in many ways. Not only does it help their physical health, but it also enhances their cognitive performance and emotional well-being.

1. Improve health

Physical activity helps children develop basic movement skills. Physical activity not only helps children gain a healthy weight, but also helps them develop healthy bones, muscles, hearts, and lungs.

Light exercise encourages the body to produce endorphins. This hormone relieves cramping and back pain while also improving mood.

2. Improves brain function

Physical activity helps to build the brain and support critical mental functions.

Exercise improves motor skills (such as hand-eye coordination), cognitive and problem-solving abilities, stronger attention, and learning ability.

3. Support emotional and mental health

If your child is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, physical activity may be helpful.

This is because physical activity can release endorphins, which help improve mood, energy levels, and even sleep. This hormone also helps increase self-confidence. Children who are in regular physical activity also have better sleep.


You are the person who knows your child best. If they act strangely or worryingly, click on WhatsApp or visit GWS Medika Clinic, a health clinic in Jakarta.

ReferenceAbout Kids Health. Accessed in 2023. Physical activity: Benefits of exercise for health and wellbeing. Verywell Family. Accessed in 2023. How to Support Your Child's Mental Health.