Is My Child Growing as Per His Age?

by Kristihandaribullet
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Reviewed by dr. Bandoro
Is My Child Growing as Per His Age?
Is My Child Growing as Per His Age?

"Doc, why can't my child talk yet?" "Doc, why does my child prefer being alone rather than playing with friends?" These questions often arise when parents are worried that their child looks different from other children their age. Should they be that worried? Come on, read further.

Understanding how a child grows and develops is a crucial part of parenting. Children thrive if their social, emotional, and educational needs are met, even if they have special needs.

Growth and development not only include physical changes that occur from infancy to adolescence but also changes in emotions, personality, behavior, thinking, and speaking that children develop when they begin to understand and interact with their surroundings. Developmental milestones include first-time skills like walking or smiling.

Developmental milestones

Developmental milestones are behaviors that mark typical stages of growth. Children achieve developmental milestones through the way they play, speak, act, or move.

Children develop at their own pace, but these milestones give an idea of the changes to expect as they grow.

Child development milestones can be categorized as follows:

  • Physical development refers to physical strength and skills.
  • Cognitive development (thinking ability): how to think and solve problems.
  • Language development refers to communication and comprehension skills.
  • Social and emotional development influences how children interact and process their feelings.


1. 0–8 months

From birth to 8 months, babies grow and change rapidly. At this age, doctors recommend that parents or caregivers engage the baby in conversation. This activity is beneficial for training your baby's hearing and speech skills.


  • Tummy time activities can strengthen the baby's neck and back muscles. Accompany the baby when he is in this position.
  • Respond immediately when the baby cries. Holding and comforting a crying baby will strengthen the bond between the baby and the parents.


2. 18 months—2 years

During the toddler years, children need more time to sleep, get good nutrition, and have close, loving relationships with parents and caregivers. This is useful for maximizing children's growth and development.

At this age, toddlers can stand on their own, walk, run, and climb stairs. They also learn to say a few words in a few simple sentences and understand simple commands.


  • Set up a safe play area.
  • Use discipline to guide and teach them.
  • Invite them to sing, speak, or read a story. This activity can help them build their vocabulary.

3. 3–5 years

During preschool, children grow more independent and capable. Curiosity triggers them to explore the world: new friends and experiences, as well as new environments, such as daycare or school.

Their skills also improved quickly. They learn to play catch and throw a ball, jump, and put on clothes without assistance.


  • Read stories every day.
  • Show you how to do simple tasks at home.
  • Consistently tell the child the attitude you want your child to adopt.
  • Speak in words that are easy for children his age to understand.
  • Help children control their emotions

4. 5–12 years

As children reach school age, they will grow more independent and competitive. Friends become increasingly valuable and influential. His self-confidence is influenced by academic and social challenges in the school.

As children grow older, the challenge is to find a balance between keeping children safe, enforcing rules, maintaining family bonds, allowing them to make their own decisions, and encouraging them to accept increasing responsibilities.


  • Ensure they get enough sleep.
  • Get some workouts.
  • Provide a quiet space so they can study comfortably at home.
  • Limit cellphone usage time and monitor their activities while surfing the internet.
  • Create or maintain positive family traditions.
  • Talk to your child about things that should be protected from their bodies.

5. 12—18 years

Adolescence marks a period of increased freedom for children. They are generally able to express opinions, are going through puberty, and are interested in dating and sexuality.

What about delayed developments?

Delayed development refers to areas where a child is unable to develop skills appropriate to the developmental stage of a child his age.

Signs of developmental delays can vary. Sometimes, parents find it when their child is still a baby. However, it does not rule out the possibility that new symptoms of delay will appear at school age.

Some signs of developmental delays include:

  • Rolls over, crawls or walks more slowly than other children his age.
  • Difficulty communicating, speaking, or fitting in socially.
  • Difficulty associating actions with consequences.
  • Inability to perform daily tasks without assistance, such as dressing or using the toilet.
  • Difficulty remembering commands.
  • Difficulty with academics.

Some developmental delays have no known cause. However, genetic factors, such as Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, or Angelman syndrome are known from the start to cause developmental delays in children.

Environmental factors also contribute to growth and development delays. Toxic exposure while in the womb, for example, can result in low birth weight, premature birth, and severe trauma, such as abuse.

Give your children immunizations based on their age to ensure healthy growth. Vaccination protects them from various diseases that can be life-threatening. GWS Medika, the leading clinic in Jakarta, is ready to meet your vaccine needs.

If you notice delays in your child's development, you should consult a doctor or visit one of our clinics in Jakarta for an evaluation. Accessed in 2024. Child Development: Milestones, Ages, and Stages. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed in 2024. Child Development: Developmental Milestones, Stages, and Delays. Healthline. Accessed in 2024. Understanding The Stage of Child Development. NCBI. Accessed in 2024. Human Growth and Development. Psychology Today. Accessed in 2024. Child Development.