The Great Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding helps prevent breast and ovarian cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes, in addition to strengthening the link between mother and infant and lowering stress.
When her child is born, every mother must be overjoyed. When it comes to cuddling the newborn, the pain of labor pays off, and this time will pass with the era of caring for and nurturing. The first task a mother has after giving birth is to nurse her child. The first milk is normally obtained within an hour of birth.
The woman has breast milk containing colostrum in the first few days after giving birth. This yellowish, viscous liquid contains immune-boosting immunoglobulins. It's also high in protein, low in sugar, and packed with vitamins and minerals.
As a result, this first milk is critical for infants. The baby's body is still feeble in the early days of delivery. Six weeks later, the levels of antibodies in breast milk peak. This is something that formula milk cannot substitute.
Breast milk contains vitamins K, D, and A, as well as additional water-soluble vitamins. Breast milk contains a variety of minerals, including calcium, zinc, and selenium. Its composition can fluctuate depending on the baby's needs, especially in the first several months of life.
Breast milk is crucial for the baby's health and growth, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). There is also exclusive breastfeeding, which is when the infant is breastfed until they are 6 months old or when they are introduced to solid food. Every year, 820,000 children would be saved if women all around the world nursed their children.
Breast milk advantages for infants

1. Infection protection
Breast milk includes a lot of immunoglobulin A (IgA), which helps babies fight illnesses. Breastfed babies recover faster from infections than formula-fed babies.
Breast milk antibodies protect babies from diseases such as respiratory infections, diarrhea, ear infections, allergies, and autoimmune diseases. Breastfed babies are also less likely to develop type 1 diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2).
2. Prevent the babies from getting digestive problems
Breast milk is easier to digest than formula milk. The proper composition of breast milk minimizes the incidence of digestive issues in babies such as colic, constipation, and diarrhea.
3. Boost the baby's weight
Breastfeeding promotes weight gain while reducing childhood obesity. Breast milk is high in good bacteria. This has an effect on fat storage in newborns. Breastfed babies also had higher levels of leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and fat storage.
Thus, babies are taught from an early age to control their own food intake. They will only eat when they are hungry. As adults, they can develop a nutritious diet.
4. Contribute to the development of intelligence
Breastfed babies have higher IQs than formula-fed babies, according to studies. Breast milk contains DHA and ARA, which are beneficial to brain and eye development.
Breast milk can also be used to cure diaper rash, wipe the baby's head crust, and treat wounds. If the baby gets a diaper rash, the mother can clean it and cover it with breast milk. Then set it aside to dry. Breast milk can be used to eliminate the crust from a baby's skull. Apply a few drops of breast milk to the wound if the baby develops blisters.
Breastfeeding advantages for mothers

1. Helps with weight loss
It is common to hear that some women are still overweight after having a child. Breastfeeding, on the other hand, can burn more calories. Breastfeeding women are more likely than non-breastfeeding mothers to experience an increase in fat burning after three months of breastfeeding.
2. Accelerate uterine recovery after birth
The uterus expands dramatically during pregnancy. From the size of a pear to almost completely filling the stomach area. The uterus undergoes involution after birth, which means that the body changes in the natural direction.
The body secretes a lot of oxytocin during labor. This hormone assists the woman throughout the birthing process and minimizes bleeding. Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions and minimizes bleeding during nursing. This procedure restores the uterus to its original size.
3. Reducing the chance of depression
Postpartum depression can occur shortly after giving birth. Breastfeeding women are less likely to suffer from depression than non-breastfeeding mothers. Breastfeeding can be a relaxing pastime for women. If you are experiencing signs of postpartum depression, you should see a doctor right once.
4. Disease risk reduction
Breastfeeding protects the mother from cancer and ovarian disease in the long run. Breastfeeding women are also less likely to develop hypertension, arthritis, high blood fat, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes.
5. Natural contraception
Breastfeeding prevents ovulation and menstruation. Menstrual cycles that briefly stop can be a natural strategy to distance oneself from pregnancy. Furthermore, this is a priceless time with a newborn with nothing to worry about.
Natural family planning is effective when your child is under 6 months old, the mother is breastfeeding 8–12 times a day, the baby is breastfeeding directly from the mother, and the mother has not yet had her period.
6. Save money and time
God provides free breast milk to nursing mothers. Breastfeeding, with the exception of lactation consults and breast pumps, saves moms money on formula, calculating how much the baby drinks, and spending time washing, sterilizing, and warming bottles.
Breast milk is always ready to swallow and at the proper temperature. When the infant requires it, the mother can give it to them right away.
Some breastfeeding women must sometimes forego the task of breastfeeding. Sore nipples, dry and cracked nipples, inverted nipples, swollen breasts, and infections are just a few examples.
Breastfeeding is a mother's most significant investment in her child. How could they not? Breastfed babies are healthier and smarter. Their lives will likewise improve in the future. Don't forget to keep the milk healthy and smooth by living a healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious foods.
If you have any difficulties or concerns when breastfeeding, just click on WhatsApp.