Medical Package Promo

Planning to Get Married? Stay Safe and Take Your Health Screening
Planning to Get Married? Stay Safe and Take Your Health Screening
Couples getting married usually are busy with wedding preparations, such as selecting the venue, catering, and attire. But did you know that premarital health check-ups are just as important as all of that?
Starting Your Love Journey with Immunity: Four Mandatory Vaccines for Future Brides
Starting Your Love Journey with Immunity: Four Mandatory Vaccines for Future Brides
A wedding is about more than just beautiful and romantic moments; it is also about committing to support and care for one another for the rest of our lives. Pre-marital vaccines are one way to ensure future family health.
DTP Combo 6-in-1 Vaccine: How Effective Is It?
DTP Combo 6-in-1 Vaccine: How Effective Is It?
Protect your little one from six diseases at once with the DTP Combo vaccine!
Dengue Fever Vaccine Package for Your Family
Dengue Fever Vaccine Package for Your Family
Beware, the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases remains high! In 2024, the figure will be three times higher than it was in 2023.
HPV Vaccines Package
HPV Vaccines Package
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Indonesia after breast cancer. In Indonesia, more than 200,000 Indonesian women have died from cervical cancer.
Travel Vaccine Package
Travel Vaccine Package
Don't go on vacation without vaccination! Protect your health during and after your vacation with travel vaccinations.
Influenza Vaccine Package
Influenza Vaccine Package
Everyone has had the flu. At least once in his lifetime.
Vitamin C Injection
Vitamin C Injection
Fruits and vegetables are the best natural sources of vitamin C. However, some people may require additional vitamin C supplements to achieve their requirements
Hajj & Umrah Vaccination Package
Hajj & Umrah Vaccination Package
The Saudi government requires the meningitis vaccine as a prerequisite for visiting Saudi Arabia and getting Hajj or Umrah visas.
Medical Check Up Package
Medical Check Up Package
Don't Delay, Get a Health Check Early