HPV Vaccines Package

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in Indonesia after breast cancer. In Indonesia, more than 200,000 Indonesian women have died from cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer develops in a woman's cervix (the entrance to the uterus from the vagina). Almost all cases of cervical cancer (99%) are caused by high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, a virus that is widely transmitted through sexual contact.
The HPV virus can also infect men and causes cancer of the penis, anus, and oropharyngeal (cancer of the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils).
The HPV vaccine can prevent HPV infection. In Indonesia, the HPV vaccine has succeeded in reducing the risk of cervical cancer and genital warts by 88% in adolescent girls and 81% in young adult women.
There are two types of HPV vaccines: 4 serotypes and 9 serotypes. Women who take the HPV vaccine are not required to undergo a pap smear at first.
Why Is the HPV vaccine important?

Pricing List
- Complete HPV-4 Vaccination (3 doses) Rp3,718,000
- Complete HPV-9 Vaccination (3 doses) Rp7,088,000
- HPV-4 Vaccination (1 dose) Rp1,378,000
- HPV-9 Vaccination (1 dose) Rp2,478,000
The price includes doctor consultation and administrative fee.
Valid until August 31, 2024.
- Have had a potentially fatal adverse reaction to any of the HPV vaccine's ingredients or a previous dosage of the HPV vaccination.
- Have a yeast allergy (which is found in Gardasil and Gardasil 9).
- Pregnant. You can't get immunized before giving birth.
- Suffering from severe pain. The HPV vaccine is safe for children who have a mild illness, such as a fever, runny nose, or cough.
The vaccinations can be adjusted, but vaccines that provide more extensive protection would be preferable.
Although the recommended age to receive the vaccination is before people become sexually active, it's approved for people up to age 45.
Term & Conditions
- Contact us via WhatsApp at +62 881-1677-889 from 08.00–17.00 WIB to get discounts for corporate and bulk purchases. We are ready to answer your questions!
- Please make an appointment via WhatsApp with customer care or call the clinic's phone number. Choose a date and time that is available.
- By using the online appointment or homecare service, you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions that apply.