The Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau Enhances Quality Standards with Accreditation Process

GWS Medika strives to enhance quality standards and ensure patient safety by accrediting clinics throughout its network. This time, the Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau underwent an accreditation process with LAPKLIN on both online and onsite assessments on October 21 and 24, 2024.
The accreditation process for the Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau consists of two stages: an online assessment on October 21 and an onsite assessment on October 24, 2024.
A team from the Indonesian Health Center, Clinic, and Laboratory Accreditation Institute (LAPKLIN) conducted the assessment, which included two surveyors: dr. Fazilet Soeprapto, M.P.H, as the team leader, and Bd. Udur Diana Tumanggor, S.ST., M.Keb., as a member.
During the process, the GWS Medika team initiated the accreditation activity with a presentation from the surveyors, who provided input and explained the initial survey results. The surveyor team then reviewed the documents required for the clinic’s accreditation.

The LAPKLIN surveyor gave several positive assessments for the Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau. Among them are the clean and impressive facility, the housekeeping staff’s application of the 5S principle (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Self Discipline), and the strong team spirit exhibited by clinic staff.
Additionally, the surveyor appreciated clinic management's strong commitment to maintaining high standards in health services.
However, the surveyor team also made recommendations for improvement, such as thorough socialization of staff roles, responsibilities, and authorities and enhanced monitoring and evaluation of clinic activities, facilities, and infrastructure.
The assessment stages include surveyor presentations, feedback and clarification sessions, field visits, demonstrations of handwashing procedures, use of spill kits, and portable fire extinguishers.
Furthermore, the clinic team clarified documents for the surveyors, concluding with an exit conference where a two-day survey was presented.
dr. Aulia Ayu Hartini, Center Manager and lead General Practitioner of the Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau, stated that the clinic team has made various preparations to achieve accreditation standards.
These preparations included staff training, periodic policy socialization, and continuous monitoring. "After this accreditation process, we still have the essential responsibility of consistently maintain quality standards and patient safety in every health service," she explained.
Finally, the awaited moment has arrived. The Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau has received the recognition that the Health Service Facility has met the accreditation standards and has been declared to have achieved PARIPURNA-level accreditation.
Accreditation acknowledges the quality of services provided by health professionals to patients.

The Klinik Utama GWS Medika Permata Hijau demonstrates its commitment to ensuring quality care and patient safety by following the accreditation process mandated by the Health Law and Minister of Health regulations.
This achievement is expected to further enhance the quality of clinic services and raise public awareness of the health services available at GWS Medika Clinic.