GWS Medika Sudirman Park Clinic Completes LAPKLIN Accreditation Process

GWS Medika continues to be committed to enhancing service quality and patient safety by accrediting clinics across its network.
The Indonesian Health Service Accreditation Institute (LAPKIN) recently completed the GWS Medika Sudirman Park Clinic accreditation process.
The process was conducted in two stages: online on January 7, 2025, and offline on January 9, 2025.
The LAPKIN surveyor team, led by dr. Fazilet Soeprapto, MPH, including dr. Dewi Rianawati, M.M., carried out a comprehensive review of the clinic. The evaluation included a detailed document assessment and an on-site field inspection.
Clinic accreditation is an official recognition that certifies a healthcare facility’s adherence to established standards for delivering quality health services.

The accreditation activity began with an opening led by the GWS Medika team, followed by a presentation by the surveyor outlining their initial findings and clarifying preliminary survey results.
The review also includes verifying the completeness of the clinic's documents and assessing operational aspects, including administration, services, human resources, and facilities.
The LAPKIN surveyor provided positive feedback during the evaluation. "I appreciate the neat clinic building, the implementation of the 5S principle (Short, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), and the team’s enthusiasm and commitment to healthcare quality," stated dr. Fazilet during the assessment.
The evaluation process included presentations, initial survey clarification, clinic tours, and demonstrations of hand-washing techniques, spill kit use, and light fire extinguishers (APAR). This process concluded with an exit conference at which the surveyor team presented their final assessment results.
PARIPURNA Accreditation

After passing the assessment, GWS Medika Sudirman Park Clinic was declared to have passed PARIPURNA. The highest accreditation level. This assessment is given to health clinics that have met the established standards.
Achieving PARIPURNA accreditation marks a new chapter for the clinic, underscoring its dedication to maintaining high service standards and prioritizing patient safety.
"Patient and community satisfaction, along with trust and the clinic’s reputation, have significantly improved," said dr. Kevin Dyonghar, Clinic Manager of GWS Medika Sudirman Park.
Accreditation affirms the clinic’s readiness to serve the healthcare needs of the surrounding community while maintaining high quality and safety standards.
GWS Medika Sudirman Park Clinic
GWS Sudirman Park Clinic, a health clinic in Central Jakarta, is the 5th clinic owned by GWS Medika, a member of Sinar Mas. The clinic, located at Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kavling 35, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, was just opened in November 2024 and underwent the accreditation process in January 2025.
GWS Medika Sudirman Park Clinic has various services, such as general practitioner consultations, immunizations, and vaccinations, complemented by a well-equipped and comfortable pharmacy.