The GWS Medika Green Pramuka Clinic's PARIPURNA Accreditation: A Commitment to Best Service

GWS Medika has again achieved PARIPURNA-level accreditation for the GWS Medika Green Pramuka Clinic. This clinic is located in the Green Pramuka Apartment area of Jakarta Pusat. This achievement reflects GWS Medika's commitment to providing the best health services in all its clinics.
On June 24 and 26, 2024, the GWS Clinic took part in an accreditation held by the Indonesian Health Center, Clinic, and Laboratory Accreditation Institute (LAPKLIN). dr. Fazilet Soeprapto, M.P.H., and Bd. Udur Diana Tumanggor, S.ST., M.Keb. conducted the accreditation process, both online and offline.
The first accreditation carried out online focused on the completeness of documents and understanding of the assessment elements (EP), as well as regulations consisting of policies and standard operating procedures (SOP) for the clinical team.
Furthermore, on June 26, 2024, the surveyor team conducted offline accreditation. That morning, at 08.00, the surveyor team visited the GWS Green Pramuka Clinic, a health clinic in Jakarta. The GWS Medika medical team welcomed this visitation with great enthusiasm.
During this visit, dr. Fazilet Soeprapto asked several questions to the medical team regarding individual health implementation (PKP), including clinical aspects of patient service.

dr. Debora Asdha Kaban, general practitioner at the GWS Medika Green Pramuka Clinic, accompanied by dr. Agnes Susanto, Head, of Clinical Operations and Training at GWS Medika, and dr. Farah Ardinda, Clinic Manager and Lead General Practitioner Green Pramuka explained in detail every question asked by the surveyor team.

In a separate room, Bd. Udur asked the clinic team to carry out hand washing procedures, handle hazardous materials spills, and use spray fire extinguishers (APAR).
After the review, the surveyor and the GWS Medika team discussed and clarified. On this occasion, the GWS Medika team received several insightful inputs from the surveyor team.
Commitment to providing the best service

The PARIPURNA-level accreditation degree is the highest recognition as a health service facility. This achievement results from the hard work and dedication of the GWS Medika team to provide the best health services for the community.

PARIPURNA-level accreditation is a manifestation of GWS Medika Green Pramuka Clinic's commitment to improving quality and patient service, such as by completing facilities and infrastructure, compiling regulations, and giving training to all employees. This process is expected to help clinics improve patient safety and quality of service.
GWS Medika equips the clinical team with quality training, International Patient Safety Goals, and training to improve the clinical competence of health workers. For GWS Medika, following the accreditation process is part of its commitment to providing the best health services to patients. One step closer to achieving global service quality standards.
“The things presented to the surveyor team should be carried out well. Clean. Neat. According to SOP, "Don't just do it for the accreditation process; it has to become a culture," said dr. Fazilet, ending the accreditation process.