GWS Medika Springhill Clinic Obtains PARIPURNA Accreditation

Springhill Clinic made a proud achievement by obtaining PARIPURNA accreditation from the independent accreditation organization LAPKLIN. This achievement is the result of the hard work and dedication of the clinic team and management in providing the best health services for the community.
The two-day accreditation process, which took place on June 12 and 14, 2024, was conducted comprehensively by two experienced surveyors, dr. Fredy Ied Fitriadi, M.H. Kes., and Bd. Udur Diana Tumanggor, S.ST., M.Keb.

Good communication

The first online assessment focused on the completeness of documents and understanding of the Assessment Elements (EP), Clinical Standards (SK), and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of the clinic team.
During this session, the surveyor team was impressed with the effective communication between the clinic team, management, and them. The clinic team and management of the GWS Medika Clinic also demonstrated a thorough comprehension of all assessment elements.
Various aspects of assessment

The second assessment, held in the Swiss-Bell Hotel Kemayoran meeting room, was divided into two groups. The first group discussed clinical management (TKK) and quality improvement and patient safety (PMKP) with Bidan Udur, which included media files, quality improvement, and the management and maintenance of public and medical facilities and infrastructure.
Meanwhile, the second group met with dr. Fredy to discuss individual health implementation (PKP), which included clinical aspects.
In addition to discussions, questions, and answers, the surveyor team conducted surveys directly at the clinic. In this survey, the surveyor team asked one of the clinic teams to perform a direct practice if there was an incident of hazardous material spills. This simulation aims to ensure the clinical team's preparedness for handling emergencies.

Accreditation: commitment to the best service
Springhill Clinic's PARIPURNA accreditation recognizes the clinic's commitment to providing high-quality, safe, and patient-centered health care.
This achievement does not only builds trust with the public. However, PARIPURNA accreditation is also a motivation for the clinic team to improve the quality of service and patient safety.
According to the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No. 34/2022, clinics must acquire a minimum score of 80% in each chapter of the accreditation standards to receive the highest award, plenary accreditation.
This accreditation provides clear confirmation that Pratama clinics have met the health authorities' service and patient safety standards. This recognition brings various benefits, including:
- Improving public trust: People are more confident about seeking treatment at accredited clinics because they believe the clinic prioritizes quality and patient safety.
- Enhancing service quality: Accredited clinics will be encouraged to continue to improve service quality to maintain and increase accreditation scores.
- Increasing care efficiency and safety: Implementing accreditation standards helps clinics enhance efficiency and minimize risks in patient care.
Clinic accreditation is a commitment to providing the best service and demonstrates a dedication to improving the health and welfare of the community.